The Alliance Colony
"The Hebrew Emigrant Aid Society of the United States (1881-1883)" by Gilbert Osofsky for Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society, 1960. Added January 15, 2025.
Elena Tsvelik, Jewish Colonists in America: Isaac Krassenstein, translated into English with Google Translate. (Original in Russian for Jewish Antiquity.)
"Passer le Buck," a letter from Alliance Israélite Universelle to Moses Bayuk, 1885.
"Our Foreign Farmers" by Elizabeth Frazer, The Saturday Evening Post, October 13, 1923
"The Pioneer Farmer - Moshe Bayuk" by H. Kuperwaser, from Der Nei Gekumener, issue No. 41, published by the Jewish Cultural Group of Vineland, New Jersey, July, 1963
"History of Alliance, New Jersey: First Jewish Agricultural Settlement in the United States" by Judge I. Harry Levin. Printed in The Vineland Historical Magazine, Devoted to History, Biography, Genealogy, Volume 54, Number 1, Published by the Vineland Historical and Antiquarian Society, Vineland, New Jersey, 1978.
"Abe Crystal's Family" by Abe Crystal
Samuel Bayuk Obituary, Times Journal, Vineland, NJ, Monday, November 15, 1954
Norma Alliance Fire Company 10th Anniversary Dinner Program Booklet, 1958
"Project would restore historic Jewish site" by Jason Nark, Philadelphia Inquirer, March 21, 2009
"Finding the Divine in Vineland" by Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz, Inyan Magazine, 11 Tishrei 5773, September 27, 2012
Letter from Alliance Israélite Universelle to Moses Bayuk in 1885, still from "First Chapter In A New Book: The Story of Brotmanville and the Alliance Colonies of Southern New Jersey" documentary by Rich Brotman